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Securing Comfort for Transplant Patients and their families

Help continue the commitment to safety this Spring by supporting the enhancement of the security system at the House.

Car Donations

Now you can support Gift of Life Howie’s House by donating your car!

The Legacy Society for Planned Giving

By making a β€œplanned gift” β€” a gift through your estate β€” you can ensure the future success of Gift of Life Howie’s House and have the satisfaction of knowing that your values will live on through the loving care we provide.

Q&A with Jessica, Mother of CJ, Who is Awaiting a Heart Transplant

by Talia Giordano, LCSW, Director, Family Services & Caregiver Lifeline Program

Celebrating 10 YEARS of Caring for Transplant Families

Take a look back at our journey together.

In-Person Support Groups

Joining a support group and talking to others in similar situations may help reduce stress.

Judy & Michael Aldi

“I spent 42 nights there while my husband was in the hospital. The Howie’s House is a home.”

National Social Work Month Spotlight: Lara Moretti

“I love when a donor family tells me that talking to me has helped them…”

Facebook Support Group

An online, private Facebook group is facilitated by the social workers of the Caregiver Lifeline Program.

News & Events

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