Support a transplant family’s journey this holiday season

Anthony Rojas was born a healthy child in Long Island, New York. Around the age of 3 he unfortunately developed Bronchiolitis obliterans, a severe lung disease, after contracting two different viruses.
As his symptoms worsened he was transferred to a nursing facility in New York. His doctors suggested he see a pulmonologist at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and his family began traveling to Philadelphia for his primary care.
As his symptoms worsened he was transferred to a nursing facility in New York. His doctors suggested he see a pulmonologist at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and his family began traveling to Philadelphia for his primary care.
He was listed for a lung transplant at 4½ years old but was removed from the list after a year when his health stabilized. Despite this, he continued to get sick often and required constant hospital stays, once even traveling by helicopter to Philadelphia for emergency care.
“We basically lived in the hospitals,” his mom, Lucy, said.
Anthony remained at the nursing facility until he was 8 years old. In July of 2022 he was relisted for a transplant after his lung function declined. After two years of waiting, Anthony received his life-saving lung transplant in June of this year.
Anthony’s mom Lucy learned about Gift of Life Howie’s House when he was first listed for a lung transplant. When Lucy arrived, she was alone and unsure of what to expect.
“You walk in not knowing anyone or what to expect. On top of that you’re thinking about the transplant, recovery and appointments…
… but as soon as you arrive, everyone greets you, welcomes you and makes you feel comfortable,” Lucy explains.
Before discovering the House, the family would leave New York early in the morning to make Anthony’s appointments in Philadelphia and drive back the same day. If Anthony had to stay overnight, they would need to find a hotel, which would add to their emotional and financial stress.
Because of the House, Lucy and her family had an affordable, comfortable place to call home surrounded by people who understood their journey. “It was a huge relief… seeing others with a common problem and who have been through something similar makes you feel safer and more protected,” Lucy says.

After spending more than half of his life in the hospital, 10-year-old Anthony finally returned home this past August. Although he remained positive throughout his journey, Anthony is excited to enjoy normal kid activities without the burden of his oxygen.

Upon arriving home Anthony jumped into playing soccer and other games with his younger brother, Dylan. He also enjoys playing the piano which helped him through the most difficult times in the hospital. Lucy says that watching his growth and strength throughout his journey has been inspiring.
“If he is strong it means I have to be stronger,” she emphasizes. Lucy is also looking forward to the holidays. This will be the first time in years her family can celebrate without worrying about Anthony’s oxygen needs. Most importantly she expresses her gratitude to the House and its staff for helping her family throughout their journey.
This year numerous families will stay at the House over the holidays, and we need your help to ensure they are provided with affordable lodging, meals and important services during the transplant journey.
“I am thankful that I was introduced to the House. It’s a wonderful, peaceful and welcoming environment,
and has been a great help,”
Every gift regardless of its size will mean the world to these families. Knowing they have a community of support behind them will bring much-needed hope during their darkest times. Your gift today will help keep the fees low by bridging the gap between the modest nightly fee of $40 and the actual cost of providing services, which now exceeds $200.
For families like Anthony’s, the House is an essential part of their path back home. Help continue to support their journey and many others by making a gift today.
If you can offer a special gift of $250 or more, you’ll also become a cherished member of the Family Circle.
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