Faces of Howie’s House Stories

Anthony Rojas (age 10), Lung transplant recipient

Anthony Rojas was born a healthy child in Long Island, New York. Around the age of 3 he unfortunately developed Bronchiolitis obliterans, a severe lung disease, after contracting two different viruses.

As his symptoms worsened he was transferred to a nursing facility in New York. His doctors suggested he see a pulmonologist at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and his family began traveling to Philadelphia for his primary care.

As his symptoms worsened he was transferred to a nursing facility in New York. His doctors suggested he see a pulmonologist at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and his family began traveling to Philadelphia for his primary care.

He was listed for a lung transplant at 4½ years old but was removed from the list after a year when his health stabilized. Despite this, he continued to get sick often and required constant hospital stays, once even traveling by helicopter to Philadelphia for emergency care.

“We basically lived in the hospitals,” his mom, Lucy, said.

Anthony remained at the nursing facility until he was 8 years old. In July of 2022 he was relisted for a transplant after his lung function declined. After two years of waiting, Anthony received his life-saving lung transplant in June of this year.


Anthony’s mom Lucy learned about Gift of Life Howie’s House when he was first listed for a lung transplant. When Lucy arrived, she was alone and unsure of what to expect.

“You walk in not knowing anyone or what to expect. On top of that you’re thinking about the transplant, recovery and appointments…

but as soon as you arrive, everyone greets you, welcomes you and makes you feel comfortable,” Lucy explains.

Before discovering the House, the family would leave New York early in the morning to make Anthony’s appointments in Philadelphia and drive back the same day. If Anthony had to stay overnight, they would need to find a hotel, which would add to their emotional and financial stress.

Because of the House, Lucy and her family had an affordable, comfortable place to call home surrounded by people who understood their journey. “It was a huge relief… seeing others with a common problem and who have been through something similar makes you feel safer and more protected,” Lucy says.

Anthony Rojas with his mother Lucy

After spending more than half of his life in the hospital, 10-year-old Anthony finally returned home this past August. Although he remained positive throughout his journey, Anthony is excited to enjoy normal kid activities without the burden of his oxygen.

Anthony Rojas standing with his younger brother Dylan

Upon arriving home Anthony jumped into playing soccer and other games with his younger brother, Dylan. He also enjoys playing the piano which helped him through the most difficult times in the hospital. Lucy says that watching his growth and strength throughout his journey has been inspiring.

“If he is strong it means I have to be stronger,” she emphasizes. Lucy is also looking forward to the holidays. This will be the first time in years her family can celebrate without worrying about Anthony’s oxygen needs. Most importantly she expresses her gratitude to the House and its staff for helping her family throughout their journey.

This year numerous families will stay at the House over the holidays, and we need your help to ensure they are provided with affordable lodging, meals and important services during the transplant journey.

“I am thankful that I was introduced to the House. It’s a wonderful, peaceful and welcoming environment,

and has been a great help,”

Every gift regardless of its size will mean the world to these families. Knowing they have a community of support behind them will bring much-needed hope during their darkest times. Your gift today will help keep the fees low by bridging the gap between the modest nightly fee of $40 and the actual cost of providing services, which now exceeds $200.

For families like Anthony’s, the House is an essential part of their path back home. Help continue to support their journey and many others by making a gift today.

If you can offer a special gift of $250 or more, you’ll also become a cherished member of the Family Circle.

Interested in supporting our Adopt-A-Family Program?

Philadelphia’s seven transplant centers draw patients from across the country. Along with them come families uprooted from their homes. There’s a special place where many stay called Howie’s House.

Gina Adams and her daughter Kemiyah of Harrisburg, Pa., were recent guests. They told us how their transplant journey started in Harrisburg.

“I was in my room, Kemiyah recalls.

She was listening to music the day before Thanksgiving, when out of the blue…

“I remember kind of like falling, like off of the bed,” she says.

“She was lying on the floor, crying,” Gina says.

“The words that’s coming out of her mouth just doesn’t make sense,” she explains.

Gina didn’t know till the next day at a hospital that her 15-year-old daughter was having a stroke.

“There was a blood clot on her brain,” she says of her surprise looking at her daughter’s CT scan.

A clot brought on by heart failure.

Within hours, Gina, Kemiyah, and brother Kane left Harrisburg for Children’s Hospital, where doctors said Kemiyah needed a new heart. For Gina, 100 miles from home, Howie’s House became an oasis. It’s the brainchild, and named after, former Gift of Life CEO Howard Nathan, inspired by out-of-town families he and his mother met when his sister got a liver transplant.

“That struck me at that moment, that part of the transplant process is that families have to be cared for,” says the Howie’s House founder.

“In general, hospitals don’t have hospitality for family members,” he adds.

Since opening in 2011, Howie’s House has provided 100,000 nights for families awaiting transplants or follow-up visits.

“We’re thankful for them because we’re able to have something to eat every day and somewhere to sleep,” Gina says.

Dinners are made by the Home Cook Heroes.

“Every night at 6 o’clock, there is a home-cooked meal by volunteers in our great kitchen,” Nathan says.

Transplant families meet, share stories, and support each other there. There’s also an exercise room, a game room, and organized activities. Now back in Harrisburg with a new heart, Kemiyah made a happy return to high school. “Without that gift she wouldn’t be able to attend school,” Gina says gratefully. Howie’s House is full almost every night, so someday it may have to be expanded. But right now, the Gift of Life is focused on new organ donors.

If you haven’t signed up as a donor, it only takes a few minutes.

A man with sunglasses and a black shirt and a woman with glasses and a purple shirt smiling in a selfie

As we wrap up #NationalCaregiversMonth, we’d like to continue the theme of giving thanks by sharing this heartwarming quote from Dana Nelson, a past guest and transplant recipient, about his wife and caregiver, Donna.

“Donna is very important to my transplant journey; she keeps me grounded and focused. She puts up with my mood swings, comforts me when I’m feeling down, she handles problems with insurance, and makes sure I keep my appointments straight. We have been married for almost 25 years, and we never thought our lives would change in an instant. She has been strong and courageous throughout this whole rollercoaster of a ride. I wouldn’t want anyone else by my side, she’s the best.”

Please shout-out a special caregiver below to show them how thankful you are!

Jan L. Weinstock, Esq., Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel

In honor of National Healthcare Hospitality Week and the House’s 13th Birthday, the House seeks to acknowledge a very familiar face and guiding force of the mission, Jan L. Weinstock, Esq.

Jan is a Philadelphia-area native and received an undergraduate business degree from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. She went on to receive her law degree from Villanova University and began working with a large Philadelphia law firm in the Healthcare Law department.

Around the second year of practice at her firm, she was introduced to Gift of Life Donor Program, then called the Delaware Valley Transplant Program, as an external client. Jan worked closely with House founder and former President of Gift of Life, Howard M. Nathan, and recognized his “incredibly high standards” and “his commitment to the families and to doing the right thing”.

She continues, “For years Howard said, “It would just be easier if you would come and work directly with me”, and about 23 years ago I did make that decision to transition from being a partner in this large firm to being general counsel for Gift of Life… and I have never once regretted that decision.”

Her career with Gift of Life spans more than 30 years, with monumental accomplishments that continue to impact thousands of lives. She mentions that extending the Gift of Life’s services to be able to open the doors of the House is one of the personal highlights of her career.

“When I joined Gift of Life part of my responsibilities at the time were to locate and oversee the construction of our new headquarters, as well as a “Family House”, now of course Gift of Life Howie’s House. The House represents our completion of the circle of care because we have always provided excellent care to the donor families, but this was our first opportunity to provide this type of support to the people going through the transplant journey. It was amazing the day we opened it up.”

Jan also emphasized how impactful her first Donor Family Remembrance Ceremony was, which provides the opportunity to recognize the families that supported organ donation in the prior year.

“It is momentous to me because it is a celebration of humanity, no transplant would happen without a decision to give the gift of life after the passing of a family member or loved one… These ceremonies show the families that we’re not in it just for a single moment, we are with them for the journey.”

When it comes to how she spends her time outside of work, she explains, “As long as I am outside, I am happy.” Jan loves running, hiking, traveling, and has even competed in various triathlons. She says her next goal would be to complete the swim from Alcatraz to the San Francisco Bay.

Jan’s years of dedication to the organ donation and transplant community have been integral to the success of Gift of Life Donor Program and Gift of Life Howie’s House. In her eyes, the House represents the past, present and future of Gift of Life as a whole.

She explains, “The House to me represents the past, the 50 years of service of Gift of Life that supported the opening of  House’s doors, it represents Howard’s vision, and the time and energy of our team and  volunteers, and the generosity of contributors to actually support the building and day to day operations of the House … and now, 13 years later, to never have turned anybody away due to inability to pay, that’s an extraordinary accomplishment. It also represents the future for those who are awaiting a life-saving transplant – and we will be here to support them in their journey.” 

Each year, many individuals are faced with the task of creating a will, yet many might find themselves putting off this important task. With National Make-A-Will Month approaching, there is no better time to address this crucial aspect of life planning. Make-A-Will Month serves as a suitable reminder of the importance of estate planning and ensuring that your wishes are legally documented and honored. The benefits of creating a will extend far past the peace of mind that it provides.

Throughout the month of August, we are encouraging individuals to plan ahead and create/update their will. Creating a will does not only entail distributing assets, but also making sure that your wishes are carried out accordingly. Without a will, the state in which you reside has control over your assets and decides where they should be distributed, which may not always align with your wishes. Having a will reduces stress and heartache for your loved ones who are already faced with grief and loss.  

While the process of creating a will may seem long and tedious, it is not as time-consuming as you’d think. With the right legal assistance and resources, the process can run very smoothly.

Here at the House, you can ensure the future success of our mission by joining the Legacy Society for Planned Giving. By making a planned gift, you will help to ensure that we can maintain our affordable fees and a broad array of services for all who need us, now and in the future. Legacy Society Member, Sean, emphasized the importance of giving back. “If you really care about a cause or a charity, its good to be able to donate every year, but when you’re gone, those donations stop. If you care about a cause enough to support it, I think its important to keep supporting it even after you’re gone,” Sean explained. Visit the Legacy Society for Planned Giving page here to learn more about how you can make a difference in the lives of the transplant families we serve.

We hope that you will celebrate National Make-A-Will Month this August by making a planned gift to support our mission.

Balancing caregiving for a transplant patient and being a mom can feel like an overwhelming task. Jessica shares her experiences of caring for her son facing the unimaginable challenge of heart failure and the urgent need for a heart transplant.

Jessica, Mother of CJ

CJ, Jessica, and their dog

A:It’s hard because I’ve seen him go through this for years, and I can’t fix it. Especially because he wants to be normal and do normal things, and he can’t. It’s mentally and emotionally draining after all these years. I try not to stretch myself too thin, which is important for any mom. When he is hospitalized, I try to take a walk when he is doing well. I have also met other moms with kids in similar situations, which has been helpful. I have people checking in on me every day by phone and text. As a family we try to focus on the positives and enjoy the times we do have because things could be so much worse. I want to preserve the time we have with CJ and focus on the good things as long as I can.

CJ in the hospital

A: It’s very hard. Our church family helps us with so many things. There were times where he was hospitalized for really long periods. Between 2022 and 2023 he was hospitalized for just about an entire a year, and we had family to support our other daughters. My husband and I try to work as a team to be there for the kids, though it’s hard when we can’t be there together when CJ is at the hospital and the girls are at home. We try to find the little things and moments, like all of us FaceTiming every morning and every night and visiting on weekends.

L-R: Casey, Natalie, Alexia, CJ, Jayda, Tara and Jessica

A: I would never want another child to get ill or be hurt, especially since having my own children and a child who has an illness. When CJ was getting listed for a heart, a nurse encouraged us to think of it differently, that we’re not praying for another child to die for CJ to live, we’re praying for that child’s loved one to have the strength to say yes to donation by blessing CJ with the gift of life in their time of their tragedy. I still struggle thinking about it, especially during the times when CJ has gotten “calls,” but we still pray for those families regardless of whether they would go on to become a donor for CJ.

You can provide hope to the thousands of people like CJ who are waiting for a transplant. Learn more and sign up at www.donors1.org/register

Four-year-old Layla stayed at Gift of Life Howie’s House with her family while her father received care in the hospital.

Layla had one big wish for Christmas: for her father to receive his life-saving heart and kidney transplant, something he has been waiting for since August 2023.

We are thrilled to share that Layla’s Christmas wish came true, and her father, Eric, received the best gift of all: the gift of life. Thanks to a generous organ donor hero, Eric received his heart and kidney transplant last Christmas.

Layla along with her mother, grandmother and baby brother were provided safe, peaceful lodging and access to all the other services of the House: home-cooked meals, a fully stocked pantry, transportation to and from the hospital, an on-site social work team, and a whole community of caring people.

Kelsey Pabon (left) and her mother Sandra at the hospital

Over a decade ago, past guest and lung transplant recipient, Sandra Pabon, faced a life-altering diagnosis of Lupus. This chronic autoimmune disease causes one’s immune system to attack the body’s tissues and organs. Over the next few years, the disease began to damage Sandra’s lungs, and she was diagnosed with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF).

After years of battling her condition, Sandra’s doctors suggested the only path to survival – a life-saving lung transplant. In 2016, she joined the waiting list, but her journey was far from over.

Sandra faced a challenging road because of the limited availability of compatible donors. Five long years passed, and it seemed as though her family had accepted the harsh reality that a matching lung might never come.

Then, in March of this year, the phone call that would forever change Sandra’s life arrived.

Sandra received the call that a match from an organ donor hero had been found for her, and she received her life-saving lung transplant the next day. There were some complications, however, and Sandra had to remain undersedation for four months in the ICU to minimize the signs of rejection.

It was during this time Sandra’s family utilized Gift of Life Howie’s House to remain close to her. Sandra’s husband, David, made a promise to never leave her side while in the hospital, and the House made keeping that promise possible.

Left to Right: David Ryan, Kelsey, Samantha, Kathryn, Sandra, David Pabon
“The House means a lot to him… It allowed him to stay with me and complete the promise that he made to be by my side.”


Sandra and her husband David

David stayed at the House for over six months while Sandra was in the hospital and recovering. Their children, who had all moved home to help the family, were also able to visit whenever they could.

“This program made it possible for my family to stay close to my mom while she continued to fight for her life. It gave us a community to turn to full of people who were going through the same experience we were.”


One of Sandra’s daughters

Sandra Had to undergo intensive physical therapy for many weeks after she came out of sedation. Her family continued to stay at the House during this time.

“The House has been a value to me and my family… It would have been really scary to not be able to do anything and not have my family there everyday making sure I was OK.”


Recently, Sandra was able to return home to Pennsylvania and is eagerly looking forward to driving again, taking care of her house, and making up for lost time with loved ones. She emphasizes that she is forever grateful to the House for allowing her family to care for her when she needed them most.

You can light the way home for families like Sandra’s today by donating to Gift of Life Howie’s House here.

By making a gift today, you are helping to “Light the Way Home” for the many families staying at the House this holiday season. Every donation, regardless of its size, makes a significant difference in these families’ lives, offering them hope and a path forward during their darkest hours.

Your support will help bridge the gap between our low nightly fee of $40 and the actual cost to provide our services, which is $175 a night. It will also help keep the promise of never turning away a family who cannot afford the nightly fee.

For those who donate $250 or more, your name will be placed on a beautifully crafted paper house, illuminated as a symbol of your support. They will be displayed around Gift of Life Howie’s House and serve as a reminder to our guests that there are compassionate individuals helping to ease their journey and “Light the Way Home.”

Joe Eitl is a Montgomery County native born with congenital heart disease. He and his family were told that he would not live past 3 years old, and that transplant would never be an option. Joe defied the odds and lived a normal, active life until he was 38 years old and his health started to decline. He was listed for a heart and liver transplant, and in November of 2020, Joe received his miraculous gifts of life. Joe lives with Down Syndrome, and due to the nature of his transplant he had many complications following his procedure. He was in and out of the hospital for over a year post-transplant, and his parents, Peg and Craig, relied on Gift of Life Howie’s House for a safe place to stay where they could be close to Joe.  

“Our days start at around 7:30 or 8’clock in the morning and don’t end until 7:30 or 8’clock at night, and that’s on a good day… we were dreading the idea that we would be a two hour commute every day both ways.” – Peg Eitl, Joe’s mom and caregiver.

While staying at the House, Peg and Craig received access to home cooked meals, one-on-one counseling, and a private room and bathroom to decompress in at the end of the day. The services that the House provides allowed Joe’s family to feel taken care of so they can focus on what’s most important, taking care of their loved one.

Joe is now 3 years post-transplant and is back at home doing the things he loves which includes spending time with friends and family and rooting on his beloved Philadelphia sports teams.

“To say that the House was a saving a grace is an understatement,” says Peg. 

Tom Fennell and his wife, Alice, traveled almost 1,000 miles from Iowa to Philadelphia hoping Tom would receive a life-saving heart transplant. Far from home, they found comfort and support at Gift of Life Howie’s House, which recently celebrated its 12th anniversary.

 “Howie’s House gave us a safe place to stay, dinners, and camaraderie. It was the complete package,” said Tom. “We were able to connect with other transplant families and it helped us on our journey.”

 Tom’s journey was unusual. Many transplant centers declined to accept him as a patient because of his age. Temple Health in Philadelphia welcomed Tom and, at 74, he became one of their oldest heart recipients.

 Tom and Alice stayed at Howie’s House many months post transplant but were finally able to return home recently. They rang the Chimes of Hope at the House to celebrate (click here for video).

 Thanks to a generous donor hero and caring support at Howie’s House, Tom and Alice can get back to doing the things they love. They have already planned a family vacation at their lake house and hope to travel to Mexico next year.

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