Organize A Fundraiser

From golf outings, to bake sales, to car washes and more, there are countless ways you can fundraise with friends, family, and coworkers for transplant families.


Who can run an event to benefit Howie's House?

Anyone! Any individual or group (employees of a corporation, school/university organization, religious group, etc.) can host an event (as long as it is pre-approved by Howie’s House).

Fundraisers are a great way for kids to get involved and gain community service hours while learning more about our important mission.

How do I get approval and get started?

Once you have decided on what type of event you’d like to host and when, please complete and submit the fundraising application form below.

What kinds of fundraisers do people sponsor?

Individuals and groups hold all sorts of events from golf outings to bowl-a-thons, fashion shows, motorcycle runs and more! Check out the list below or let us know your creative idea!
• Golf Outing
• Beef and Beer
• Pancake Breakfast
• Lemonade Stand
• Dance-a-thon
• Dress Down Day
• Garage Sale
• Walk/Run
• Pot Luck Dinner

Fundraising Application Form

We are so grateful that you have chosen Gift of Life Howie’s House as the beneficiary of your upcoming fundraising event! By supporting Howie’s House, you will be helping to provide a “home away from home” to transplant patients and their families in need.

Please complete and submit this application at least 45 days prior to the proposed event.

By providing us with the necessary information, we can better assist you in planning for a successful event. The agreement must be completed and approved prior to any fundraising on behalf of Gift of Life Howie’s House.

Host a Fundraiser

Start the process of hosting your own fundraiser

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • General Policies

    • Gift of Life Howie’s House Development Manager must approve any third party fundraising event before contributions can be solicited in the name of GOLFH.
    • A Fundraising Application must be completed, approved and filed with the Development Department no less than 30 days prior to the proposed event.
    • Reoccurring annual events or one-time events require application approval on a pre-event basis.
    • GOLFH reserves the right to deny any application for a special event or fundraising program.
    • GOLFH reserved the right to refuse funds donated from a special event or fundraising program.
    • GOLFH does not provide direct financial support to third-party fundraising.
    • Note, raffles are generally prohibited without prior approval and necessary permits.

    Promotion of Event

    • The event will be promoted and conducted in a manner to avoid statement or appearance of Gift of Life endorsing any product, firm, organization, individual or service.
    • All “Third Party Event” organizers should establish a timetable and action plan prior to the event.
    • A GOLFH staff member can assist in the development of the event and will provide a letter of support to be used to validate the authenticity of the event and its organizers
    • Provide limited existing GOLFH materials for your event, such as brochures
    • Promotional materials and/or advertisements cannot be purchased with GOLFH funds. Any such advertisement should be the result of underwriting or sponsorship related to the event.
    • GOLFH will provide limited support for promotion of the event at the discretion of the Development Manager.
    • GOLFH cannot provide a mailing list for the promotion of a third party event nor will GOLFH solicit funds, services or raffle items for the event.

    Use of Logo

    • The official logo of GOLFH may not be used without the prior written approval of the Development Manager or her designee as it relates to the specific use. This relates to written and electronic materials. If a particular use is approved, the logo may not be altered in typeface, color, configuration and/or position and the logo must adhere to established graphic standards.


    • GOLFH is not financially liable for the promotion and/or staging of a “Third Party Event” or any liability relating to the event.
    • Third Party Event organizers will have participants complete a waiver for release from liability if requested by GOLFH.
    • Third Party Event organizers will provide insurance certificates, if required.
    • Third Party Event organizer agrees to assume all such liability and adhere to all applicable laws in the conduct of the event.

    Revenue Generation

    • All promotional materials must follow IRS/state guidelines and clearly state the percentage of proceeds and/or the portion of the ticket price that will benefit GOLFH in compliance with applicable standards.
    • GOLFH cannot endorse any events that are for the benefit of a specific individual.
    • The event leader is responsible for submitting a post event Fundraising Event Follow-up Report
    • In-kind sponsorship is defined as a donation of a product or service, such as printing or silent auction items. The value of in-kind sponsors is not included in your total event revenue, but should be acknowledged in your follow-up report. (A follow-up report can be found at the bottom of this webpage or email for a copy.)


    • GOLFH should receive and approve a list of targeted sponsors for the event, before they are approached, to minimize the overlap with other fundraising campaigns underway by the organization.
    • GOLFH should receive a complete accounting of all funds collected and expenses related to the event. GOLFH reserves the right to inspect all event financial records.
    • GOLFH will receive a list of all tangible non-cash contributions or in kind contributions to the event. Organizers may request assistance from a staff member prior to event in advance.
    • Final payments from an event that will benefit GOLFH should be made payable to Gift of Life Howie’s House. Disclosures and Legal Compliance
    • GOLFH is exempt from federal taxation and has been approved by the IRS as a charitable organization as defined by the Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3).
    • All Third Party Event promotional materials and solicitations must contain the following language: The official registration and financial information of Transplant House d/b/a Gift of Life Howie’s House may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
    • By clicking submit you agree to the terms above.

Please contact Sara Cohen, Development Manager, with any questions.

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