Organize A Fundraiser
From golf outings, to bake sales, to car washes and more, there are countless ways you can fundraise with friends, family, and coworkers for transplant families.

Who can run an event to benefit Howie's House?
Anyone! Any individual or group (employees of a corporation, school/university organization, religious group, etc.) can host an event (as long as it is pre-approved by Howie’s House).
Fundraisers are a great way for kids to get involved and gain community service hours while learning more about our important mission.
How do I get approval and get started?
Once you have decided on what type of event you’d like to host and when, please complete and submit the fundraising application form below.
What kinds of fundraisers do people sponsor?
Individuals and groups hold all sorts of events from golf outings to bowl-a-thons, fashion shows, motorcycle runs and more! Check out the list below or let us know your creative idea!
• Golf Outing
• Beef and Beer
• Pancake Breakfast
• Lemonade Stand
• Dance-a-thon
• Dress Down Day
• Garage Sale
• Walk/Run
• Pot Luck Dinner
Fundraising Application Form
We are so grateful that you have chosen Gift of Life Howie’s House as the beneficiary of your upcoming fundraising event! By supporting Howie’s House, you will be helping to provide a “home away from home” to transplant patients and their families in need.
Please complete and submit this application at least 45 days prior to the proposed event.
By providing us with the necessary information, we can better assist you in planning for a successful event. The agreement must be completed and approved prior to any fundraising on behalf of Gift of Life Howie’s House.
Host a Fundraiser
Start the process of hosting your own fundraiser
Please contact Sara Cohen, Development Manager, with any questions.