Family Circle 2024

Thank you to our most gracious supporters.


The Family Circle is an annual giving program made up of generous contributors who give $250 or more in a calendar year to support the Gift of Life Howie’s House.

Honor in Platinum $5,000+

Anonymous in memory of John Moretto
Altruvision: Lion’s Eye Bank
Armstrong Foundation
Arthur J Gallagher Foundation
Larry and Diane Beard
Margaret and Michael Belfield
CTI Clinical Trial Services, Inc.
Cornerstone Advisors Asset Management, Inc.
The Dukes Family
Event Transport Solutions
Chris and Lynn Fallon
Fenley Family Donor Advised Fund at Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
Grace Elizabeth Fenley Donor Advised Fund at Rancho Santa Fe Foundations
J. Bryan Fenley Donor Advised Fund at Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
The Fremont Family
The Forline Family
Gervato Family Foundation
Annetta Good
The Hallman Family Association
Isabella’s Imprint
Johnson & Johnson
Jean Jones
Daniel Koch

Lease Direct / DLL
Mathew’s Mission Forever 17
Morton and Carmel Levine
Howard and Liz Nathan
Neshaminy Ice Hockey – Gannon Cup
Anthony and Barbara Paul
Penney Girls Foundation
Pop-Pop’s Miracle
David A. Pierson, PhD
Leslie Premo
Puglisi / Barley Families
Quick Courier Service
Sean Rhoads and Keri Fisher
Ann M. Robinson
Harry Roth, Esq. and Lisa Heller, MD
Sam’s Spirit Inc.
Smith Family Memorial Fund
Sovereign Insurance Group
Gordon and Nancy St. John
Scott and Vickie Sayles
Susan Stevens
Thomas and Kathleen Subranni
Transplant Alliance Foundation
William and Lorna Wohl
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Yanick
Venture Jets

Hope in Gold $2,500+

Fox & Roach Charities
Suzanne Decker Walton and John Walton
Lauren’s Foundation
Gillespie Electric, Inc.
Grand Lodge Independent Order of Odd Fellows of New Jersey
Hanover Home Association
The Malvezzi Family

Masonic Blood + Organ Donor Program
Cary Moritz, Esq. and Michael Moritz, MD
Perseverance Encampment No. 135 I.O.O.F
John and Brenda Scanelli
St. Mark’s Orthodox Church
State Metal Industries, INC.
The Scholler Foundation
Jan L. Weinstock, Esq.

Care in Silver $1,000+

The Air Products Foundation
AmeriHealth Caritas Family of Companies
Merrill and Phyllis Anders
Carmen and Jose Arroyo
The Ashland Foundation
Raymond and Maria Aviles
Christine Barkdoll
Debjani and Satya Bhoumik
The Bogle Family
Richard Bradley
John and Patricia Browne
Wendy Bullotta
Jennifer Byrne
Jim and Karen Carns
Tyler Christ
Construction And General Laborers’ Union Local 172
Theresa Daly
Bruce Stavitsky and Cynthia Dice
Mary and Barry Doane
Ira Dounn & Shaina Ward
Allen and Carol Drucker
Cheryl Eshenour
David Feldman
Everett and Suzanne Ferri
Robert and Joanne Fiorelli
Stacey Fitch
The Fremont Family
Dr. Gerard and Elizabeth Fulda
Patricia Garno
Lori and Daniel Garrison
Susan Gibbs
Catherine Giblin
Elvin and Sue Green
Ruth and Nick Grigoriades
The Harkins Foundation, Inc
Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Hasz, Sr.
Joseph and Megan Holden
Rich And Felicia Hulit
Patricia Kao
Edward and Heather Kellogg
William and Maureen Kelly

Knights of Columbus – Father McCafferty Council #11013
Jason E. Krasno, Esq.
Krysta Hankee Memorial Fund
Frank Lambert
The Lawrenceville School
Gabriel Llull
Christian Locher
Devin Mader
The Marjorie M. and Irwin Nat Pincus Fund
Amy Matey
Mary McAllister
William and Sharon McKee
Michael McVey
Diane Meyer
Kevin C. Parham
The Raymond Family
Andrea and Sean Reynolds
Kim Robbins
Michael and Rosemary Rose
Velma Scantlebury, MD
Richard Sheidy
Susan Sherrerd
Bonnie and Harris Sklar
Jay and Pat Souder
Volunteers of the SSUMC Community Thrift Store
Dr. Neal Stansbury
J. Kate Stickles and Brad Baldus
Sule’s Collision Center Inc
Ava Thomas
Nancy Tindall
John Treuth
TRIO Philadelphia
Team Matt
Huseyin and Dianna Unver
URA, Inc. (Utility Rates Analysts)
Verkada Gives
John Visconi
Michael Walker
Walmart #2555
Robert G. Walsh, Sr.
Jonathan and Vicki Warner
Diane Wilson

Grace in Bronze $500+

AddVal, Inc
Bonnie Adler
Christopher Amorello
William Aronstein
Dolores Barrett-Denser
Dr. and Mrs. Horace Barsh
Celine M. Baum
Steven Beddow
Nina Britton
John Bruens
Jermaine and Wendy Butler
Buzz Duzz
Pete Cannon
Sandra and Francis Cannon
CannTech – Ayr Wellness
Catasauqua Presbyterian Church
Ekia Chen
Dorothy Clapham
Kathleen and Richard Cohen
Caroline and James Coleman
Barbara Craig
Kim Davis
Harris and Debra Devor
Morgan DiSipio
Kerry Doherty
Florence and Robert Dolceamore
Donor Alliance, Inc.
Cameron Dukes
Mary Lou Eckerle
Thomas and Pam Eskildsen
Denise and Ken Fegley
John and Diane Ferguson
Denise Fiel
First Church Worship Center
Donna Frey
Mary Ganikos
Amanda Gibbs
Vicki Goettel
Good Will Fire Company No. 1
Ellen and Bernie Gottlieb
Barnes Gray
Greater Wildwood Elks Lodge #1896
Thomas and Marian Gross
Amanda Guth
Claire Hardon
Sylvia and Bob Herman
Carol and Tom Hetzel
William Hill
Karen and Tom Hoyer
Robert and Beverly Hoyer
Independence Blue Cross
Greg Jackson
Gary and Coleen Jividen
Warren and Helene G. Johnson
Harold Judge
Megan Kane
Deborah Katulis
Kathleen M. Doherty
Ann and Jim Kroh
John E. Krol
James and Mary Lavery
Drs. Kimberly and Alexander Lin
Anne Lovett
Ronald Hannon Family
Dr. Warren Maley
Debra Malinics
Marguerite Marcinek
Burton and Patti Mattice
Mary Maugeri

Christine and Thomas McGarry
Sean Mcknight
Joellen and Mike McNamara
Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church
Ronald and Heather Michaud
John and Eleanor Michele
Marjorie and Gregory Middleton
Donna and Antoni Mikolajczyk
Patrick Miles
Ann Mokris
Daphne Mon
Mozart Lodge No. 436 F & AM
Linda Muller
Jess Mulligan
Ann Marie Muschlitz
Arthur and Ann Nace
Anita Nealon
Peggy K. Ness
New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Co.
New York Life Insurance Company
Newtown Lodge No. 427
Gerald Nocentino
Jeffrey and Lorinda Orlowski
Maryellen and Walt Paget
Nancy Parsons
Cindi and Vincent Pasceri
Arthur and Gail Pasquarella
Ruth Peachey
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Debra Pross
Richard and Terrianne Rich
Donna Richards
Steven and Audrey Rittenhouse
Robin & Fred Robbins
Maureen Rumsey
Johann and Beverly Schneider
Colleen Schneider
Carl Fritz and Debra Scotti Fritz
Katrina Sherrerd
Alick Sinift
William C. Soloway
Robert and Ida Sosna
St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
Wendy St. John
Patrick J. Swanick
Jamie and Peter Thomas
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Transplant Team
Traveler’s Protective Association
Jacqueline S. Urtecho, Md
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan and Amy Van Kleunen
Gladys Gary Vaughn
Amita Verma
Charity Vernon
John Vidota
Belarmino and Anna Viegas
Walker Lodge #306 IOOF
Ronald Walsh and Jean-Marie Cadorette
Timothy Weber
Vaughn and Cynthia Whisker
Kevin and Mary Wiedel
Charles and Rebecca Winstead
Karen Wright
Christine Wrobel
Dan Zhou and Ning Wu

Comfort in Copper $250+

Jeffrey Adels
Alex Agres
Paul Albert
Stephen Alfano
Amgen Foundation
Spiro and Priscilla Apostolou
Justine Applegate
Earl and Phyllis Arrowood
Athene Chapter #201 OES
David B.Baker
Mary Ann Barlow
Linford Bastian
Karen Batt
Michael Perkins and Julie Baumgardner
Maryanne Baus and Ammon Baus
Cindy and Christopher Becker
Joseph and Mary Ann Belmore
Ronald and Carol Bilek
John and Lois Bilkins
John Blaine
Eugene and Patricia Blum
Dr. Emily Blumberg and Mr. John Mezochow
Barbara and Robert Bowie
Christopher Bradley
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Brayman
Alan and Marsha Brown
Tim Browne
Helene Bruno
Kathleen Bryant
Domenick Buonocore
Victoria Burns
Sharon and Larry Butler
Carl Butler
Patricia Cable Perkins
Christine Cahill
Cynthia Camp and Gregory Silva
Charles and Kristin Carbin
Kathy Cardillo Magner
David Cassady
Kevin Cassidy
Chubb Charitable Foundation
Church of the Redeemer
Thomas and Suzanne Civitella
Rosane Clendining
John Colosimo
Barbara Converse
Winifred Cooper
Lisa Coscia
Creating Impact LLC
Chris and Sharon Crooker
John and Kathleen Crouch
Lisa Cuozzo
Ellen Daly
John and Linda Dearani
Mr. and Mrs. John Delaney, Jr.
Stephen and Priscilla Demosky
Dolores DeVos
Blaise DiFedele
Sue McVey-Dillon and Terry Dillon
Anne Elixhauser
Wayne and Marilyn Eller
Pam Evans
Ronald and Gerri Fash
Elizabeth and Thomas Finocchio
Patricia Foulkrod
Kelly Fowler
Todd Franzen
Laura and Richard Fredricks
Free & Accepted Masons of PA, Jerusalem Lodge No. 506
Jane French
Dolores Frey
Amanda Frisbie
John and Cornelia Fruncillo
Marta Galarza
Thomas and Vivian Gano
Sherri Gebhart
Margaret Geiger
Frank Gitto
Carol and John Giungo
Give Lively Foundation
Genevieve and Henry Grabbe
Valerie Grant
Nicholas Greco
Yuriy and Mina Gregorev
Ann Groccia
Sally Guillaume
Brian and Elizabeth Hamilton
June Harden
Dr. and Mrs. Mehdi and Christine Haririan
Rob Harrington
Rich Hayes
Jon and Charlotte Heater
Tom and Kathleen Hebling
Jeff Henry
Daniel Higgins
Mark and Karen Hite
Tracie Horn
Carol Hostrander
Erik Hudzik
Abiola Ijalana
Douglas and Sue Anne Jacobs
Jefferson Transplant Institute
Lawrence Johansen
Juliustown United Methodist Church
Kampi Components Co., Inc.
Constantine Katsinis
Michael Kawas
David and Elizabeth Kennedy
Kathy Kindler
Scott Kingsleyand Rupal Prasad
John Kless
Veikko Koski
Mary Jo Kot
Frank P. Kowalski
Pepper and Mike Krach
Carol and Dean Krautter
William and Dee Kreiter
Daniel and Audrey Krispin
Beth-Anne and Philip Laine
Kathryn Lamb

Karen Lanzillo
Marion Lassen
Dr. James Lee
John and Norma Leighton
William Leinweber
Joseph and Sharon Lesko
Lighthouse Tile & Marble Inc.
Gregg and Molly Lombardo
Lowenstein Sandler LLP
Glenn and Lois Luse
Luther Memorial Evangelical Lutheran
Cynthia Mabry
Kathy MacDougall
Steven Macrae
Timothy and Phyllis Maglone
Magnolia Boad of Education – Student Activity Account
William Major
John and Sara Malone
David Mandel Atty
Marie Mascena
Kenneth and Ginette McCleaster
Nathaniel and Andrea McCollum
Patrick and Debra McGinley
Bernard McGinty, Jr.
Beatrice J. McGinty
Connie and John McGinty
Barbara and Dennis McKeever
Carol and James McKelvey
Elizabeth McNamara
Edward Meckeneck
Dr. Michael Meshkov and Dr. Janine Reed
Metropolitan A.M.E Church Church School
Elizabeth Mil
Monroe County Juvenile Probation Department
Patrick J. Moran
Evan, Debra & Jeff Morgan
Dr. Jonathan and Suzanne Morris
Barry and Colleen Morris
Mt. Holly Elks #848
Francis Murphy
Judith and Frederick Neagul
Nancy Nelson
Dana and Donna Nelson
Gil and Berta Neves
Dr. Lazaros and Mrs. Stavroula Nikolaidis
Northeastern Senior High School
Scott Z. Noye and Family
Diana Nyman
David O’Brian
Bonnie O’Connor
Joan Roger Off
Joseph and Merna Opetosky
Our Father’s Table
Doris Elizabeth Ozaeta
Susan Paradise
Kirtish Patel
Larry and Diana Paul
Robert Paz
Michael Perrotti
Terry Petrzelka
Donna Pilch-Myers and Charlie Myers
Susan Pincus
Frank and Joyce Podietz
M. Esther Popjoy
Randy and Rick Presant
Myrna Pressman
Jim Price
John Prontnicki
Nicole Puglisi
John Putnam
Karen Rafferty
Dr. Elizabeth and Spencer Rand
William Ray
Patrick and Jean Reger
Jeffrey Reynolds
Mark and Noelle Richardson
Judy Rodden
Theresa Rooney
David Schauber Jr.
Brian and Angie Schleider
Seer Interactive
Kathleen and Frank Seidman
Donnie and Alice Sellers
Deborah and Vijay Shah
Lucille Shick
Bradford Simek
Laura Siminoff and Jacek Ghosh
Lori Smith
Jennifer and Arthur Snyder
St John’s Comandary No 4
Thomas and Deborah Stalsitz
John and Shelli Stein
Darlene Sweitzer
Donna and Brian Swilley
Jane Taintor
Joanne Talarico
Trisha Tayan
Upper Adams Jaycees
Linda and James Thompson
Christine Tierney
Kailin Tu
Leonard Vaccarella
Jason Vannatta
Voorhees Rotary Dinner Club
Donna and Richard Waechter
Stanley and Claudia Waldruff
Robert and Noreen Watson
Watsontown Centennial Lioness Lions Club
Maria Louise and John Weibel
Dennis and Faye Westhoff
Dr. Shawn B. Wild
Wilmot Sanz Inc.
Jackie Wilt
WOMEN Unlimited, Inc.
Edward Wong
Dr. Tracy T. Woodson
Kathy Yandle and Rick Miller
Justin Yedibalian
Aileen Yuan Mak
Lane Zetty
Lucille Zirpoli

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