Alpha Kappa Alpha: “We Are One” Day of Service

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s Day of Service Honoring Dr. King's Legacy

picture of 5 women from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority inside Howie's House food pantry

Thank you to the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.-Omega Mu Omega Chapter for volunteering at the House on Martin Luther King Day for the sorority’s “We Are One” AKA Day of Service.

The group stocked the pantry with snacks and household essentials, organized and stored volunteer center donations, disposed of expired items, and prepared check-in packets and volunteer information bags!

Volunteers included living kidney donor Sue Levy Giles and her daughter Alexandria, who received a kidney transplant through a paired donor exchange involving her mom. Sue shared that the group “thoroughly enjoyed the meaningful projects we were given and hope that our efforts will contribute, even in a small way, to supporting the invaluable work your organization does for organ transplant recipients and their families.”

two women smiling, one holding a box

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority members standing in the Howie's House Entrance for a photo
group of three organizing food items in the pantry

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