40 Hours for Family Meals

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Mark your calendar now for #GivingTuesday, November 30th. On this national day of giving back, we’re asking you to join us in helping keep our kitchen fully-stocked and running and to ensure that this program remains a key part of our supportive services despite the setbacks caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

Over the last 10 years, the Home Cook Heroes Program has provided transplant patients and their families home-cooked meals prepared by volunteers and staff, as well as access to a full-service kitchen, dining room and a fully stocked pantry. Guests are encouraged to eat together, make friends and share their experiences. Eating meals together also helps families feel less alone during the transplant journey.

This service lifts tremendous burdens off the caregivers and family members. Because of the Home Cook Heroes Program, they don’t have to worry about grocery shopping, preparing meals or spending additional funds on food.

The Home Cook Heroes Program has many operational costs that need to be covered such as building costs, staffing, and utilities, and for that reason, we’re looking to our community for help this Giving Tuesday. Your participation will also help support the purchase of food staples, kitchen supplies, and new appliances including a new dishwasher, microwave and industrial freezers and refrigerators.

Due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, community support directed to the program decreased and more staff resources were required to ensure that our families can continue to rely on this important service. Through your participation in the 40 Hours for Family Meals virtual fundraiser this Giving Tuesday, meals and food supplies will continue to be provided to transplant families in a safe and caring environment.

IT’S EASY TO SET UP your personal or team fundraising page at GiftofLifeHowiesHouse.org. Then, on 11/30, enlist your friends to help you meet your online fundraising goal! The whole virtual event lasts just 40 hours, and you can participate on your own or with a team.

IT’S ALSO A GREAT WAY TO HONOR or remember a loved one by creating your personal or team fundraiser in their honor.

PLUS, WHEN YOU REGISTER for the 40 Hours for Family Meals virtual fundraiser, we’ll send you a free Gift of Life Howie’s House t-shirt when you receive your first gift! Register today to not miss out on this important and fun fundraising opportunity that will help support transplant families!

For questions about the 40 Hours for Gift of Life Howie’s House challenge, call us at 267-546-9812.

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