2024 In Review

Here’s a look at some of the key stats from our impact on transplant families last year.

Graphic reading "2024 Impact Overview" with a picture of Howie's House

2024 was a year of milestones, memories, and historic impact for transplant families at Gift of Life Howie’s House.

Despite it being one of our busiest years on record, we never scaled back on our services, never raised our nightly fee, or turned away a family due to financial hardship – all thanks to the support of our community!

graphic reading "136 nights at full occupancy""365 days caring for transplant families... thanks to you!"
graphic reading "$15 million provided in subsidized care since opening"
graphic reading "11,470 shuttle miles traveled" "2,202 Home Cook Hero Volunteer Hours" "235 unique families provided hotel rooms when at full capacity"

We are so grateful to continue our mission year after year, and look forward to the year ahead!

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